Friday, September 21, 2012

Camiguin Island in the Philippines: Tourist Attractions to Visit

The beautiful White Island in Camiguin with its blue water.
Philippines is blessed with great beautiful islands with unchanging old charm and attraction.  If you are planning for a travel vacation or for a holiday destination, don’t hesitate to visit this country.  When you are in the place, you will get fascinated by the perfect beaches, magnificent volcanoes and mountains, great events and festivals, and hospitable people.  The island that features all of these is Camiguin. 

Camiguin is Northern Mindanao’s tourism capital.    While it is the 2nd smallest province in the Philippines, Camiguin boasts about its huge tourist destinations.  Tourists from different countries can select from a variety of beautiful spots from hot springs, majestic volcanoes, white beaches, waterfalls, to amazing rock formations and coral reefs. 

From the place of Cagayan de Oro, the island of Camiguin can be touched through a small plane or boat.  The area is typically for an economy of agriculture.  The Camiguingon people depend highly on fishing and farming as their means of livelihood.   Tourist visitors are always received with friendly smiles showing the visitors the spirit of cosiness and relaxation. 

Here is the guide for travel to some of the world’s great attractions found only in Camiguin, known for its “born of fire” island.

Mount Hibok-Hibok
This mountain is a very popular natural attraction.  It is a volcano, the only active one out of the 7 volcanoes in this island.  Mount Hinok-Hibok measures 1,553 meters in height. For the local and international hikers, this mountain is very famous for them.  Scaling the peak part is quiet difficult.  For mountaineers, they have first to be challenged with boulders and rocks before getting rewarded—a magnificent spectacular view of the whole island and Bohol.       

White Island
This is another place mostly visited by foreign visitors.  The white sandbar, popularly known as the Medan Island, gives a perfect view of Mount Vulcan and Mount Hibok-Hibok.   White Island makes the best site for snorkelling, swimming, collecting seashells, and sunbathing.  Vacation rentals and motor-powered boats from the close resorts take the visitors to this naturally beautiful place. 

The Katibawasan Falls
Never leave Camiguin without dipping into its waters that are crystal clear in Katibawasan Falls.   This attractive nature treasure has the height of 250 ft. high. The green environment and cool water always come as a cooling relief during humid and hot months.  Ground orchids as well as giant ferns serve as additional visual attractions to travelling visitors.  

Sunken Cemetery
Many people can consider Sunken Cemetery as another tourist spot.  To the local people and many travellers, this is a landmark which is very alluring and astonishing.  This cemetery lying twenty feet below water can be used in sightseeing through scuba diving and snorkelling.  The huge cross is the marker of the location for those remains of the tsunami that engulfed the whole community following the volcanic tremor in 1871.

The Lanzonez Festival
When it comes to fruit, Camiguin has the natural attraction to guests when they observe their annual Lanzonez Festival.  This occasion is celebrated on the third week of the month of October celebrating a fruitful harvest of lanzonez—one of the tropical fruits and the major source of people’s livelihood.  This festival is celebrated with street dancing and colourful parade. 

Swimming with Whale Sharks in Donsol, Philippines

Beholding the beautiful creatures within their deep wide habitat will make everyone feel the wonder of the Mother Nature. This becomes more real once you personally witness whale sharks.  You can see them in the Philippines in Donsol, from Sorsogon province.    

Donsol is an old-fashioned coastal town for fishing at around 600 km away from the city of Manila—Philippines’ capital country.  Donsol is situated in Luzon Island at the southwest coast.  The place has been the natural habitat for years by whale sharks or “Butanding,” as what people most commonly call them. 

The town has kept this in secret for a long time until a team of divers from other countries introduced it to the public for awareness.  Sadly, the people of doubtful intentions have taken advantage of the place.  Rustlers began to go to the place after hearing the news of the migration of Butanding.  Thankfully, the government has taken the necessary action to give protection and preserve the whale sharks, saying publicly that those are protected species. 

What exactly the place offers to the sharks making them special after all?  Sea waters in Donsol province are perfect for the right water temperature for Butandings during their migrations from the months of February to June.  In addition to the satisfying temperature, these whales can feed on the plentiful species of fish food.  The rich planktons give the whales more than sufficient food to sustain their lives and live long in the place. 

Each time these marine creatures begin to come, Donsol transforms itself into an occupied site fully-packed with both foreign and local tourists.  People from across the world arrive to witness the wonderful living creatures roam and play under the water.  For this year, it has been noted that there are about 168 Butandings at the sea’s costal water areas.  Some of these whales can even swim as near as twenty meters away from the shore.  With this natural scene of excitement, it is not a surprise that bigger numbers of tourists flock around the town each year.

Most of Donsol’s hotels organize some activities for visitors like arranging transportation.  Sometimes an additional fee is required besides the normal price. One area of the place that shouldn’t be missed by tourists is the PADI Dive Resort at Giddy’s Place.  The resort provides a variety of fun-filled activities like kayaking and diving.  

And to mingle with welcoming sharks, you can register yourself at the Visitor’s Centre situated at Dancalan Barangay.  They will show you a video clip on how to interact with whale sharks then you can take the exotic tricycle to guide you to the boat station. Tourists and watchers of the whale sharks will be assigned to an expert officer to assist them.  For security purposes, set of policies are strictly implemented to be followed by everyone.  Furthermore, Visitor’s Centre also gives tour boats together with the assigned officer. Many resorts also provide tour pre-booking at a cheap service price.  A single boat can accommodate as many as six people

Here are the existing rules and regulations visitors can see on Visitor Centre’s walls.  Rules are restated during the short video showing.

  1. No riding or touching on Butanding.
  2. Don’t control the whale shark’s movement or block its way.
  3. Standard distance: 3-meter away from the body and the head; 4-meter away from its tail.
  4. No flash picture taking allowed.
  5. No scooter, scuba, jet-ski, and any sort of motorized underwater driving force.
  6. Only one boat allowed per shark with maximum 6 swimmers only.
Donsol is one of the most popular tourist destinations because of the great swimming Butanding.  Donsol has now laid claim to the designation as the “world’s whale capital.”